Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchTrust the Message
When fear threatens to keep us from being obedient and sharing out faith, the Chrisitian must always remember to trust the message, not the messenger
Geting Our Focus Right
This message shows us why we need to have our hearts and minds focused on the right things.
Do Not Add Anything
This message is focused on the truth that the sufficiency of Christ alone will lead to true freedom and victory over sin.
Where Are the Workers
Today’s message explains that our source of sustenance should be God’s word, and we sould be eager to share that with the world.
Remember What Christ Has Done
This sermon focuses on the crucial need to remember all that we have in Christ.
Alive in Christ
Today’s message is focused on the way that our lives can reflect our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Full Confidence
Today’s message reveals what can be ours in Christ if we learn the full confidence that can be ours through him.
On the Line
This message focuses on our need to stand ready to give ourselves for one another.
The Fullness of God
Today’s message focuses on the truth that the One who revealed God has given us new life.
Christ Is Supreme
Today’s message introduces the idea of Christ being supreme over everything that exists.