Worship Ministries ~ Music ~ Choir Guidelines

These are the guidelines that members of Bay Vista’s Worship Choir strive to follow. They were developed among existing members and the director, and reflect the heart of this ministry.

We are not merely volunteers; we are a group of called individuals.

All those to whom God has given musical talent who use that talent in leading a worship service are partnering together with appointed leaders of the church.

Choral music relies on 4 (or more) parts that harmonize. When a member or part is missing, it can be difficult for those who are present. Choir members should strive to:

  • Attend all appointed rehearsals;
  • Use preview items to be familiar with the music to be rehearsed.

Time is too precious to waste.

While there is a sense of camaraderie and Christian fellowship among members, rehearsals should be focused times of preparation, or even times of worship. Sunday mornings, particularly, should be focused on preparation for worship, as the service is delayed until choir arrival.

Sing heartily, as to the Lord.

While choir members are worship leaders, they are, first and foremost, worshippers. Whether singing special parts, or singing with the rest of the choir, each choir member should strive to focus efforts toward God, not other people.

Members should not be afraid to try special parts, nor should they feel bad if another member is selected for that part.

Care for the Body.

Choir members should be active participants and leaders in other ministries of the church as we are able. Small groups, prayer meetings, and hospitality are all areas where choir members may interact one-on-one with other members of the church, forming meaningful relationships with those they lead on Sunday mornings.

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